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  • Discover the secrets to career success. In Career Moves, Dondi Scumaci helps you develop the mind-set, knowledge, and skills you need to face today’s challenges and workplace realities.

    Ready, Set...Grow! is on shelves now and it's already become an incredible phenomenon. Learn how to recapture your dreams and passion and make it work for you.

    International Performance Consultant and author Dondi Scumaci’s book “Designed for Success” is available at book stores around the nation.

  • Accountability

    Online Custom 360 Evaluations

    Friday, March 21st, 2008

    The online 360 Degree Profile will examine a participant’s perspective of their job, coaching and leadership capabilities. The evaluation allows teams to review the way in which they communicate and are perceived. A 360 Degree Workshop to allow participants to evaluate the findings of their individual profiles is also offered. Click the More Information button [...]

    Create a Feedback-Rich Environment

    Wednesday, January 9th, 2008

    Release the potential in yourself and your team through feedback. Feedback is one of the most valuable) and terrifying tools) at your disposal! The most successful leaders use feedback as a compass and a gauge. Feedback comes in many forms ranging from a formal appointment to a spontaneous encounter in the hallway. Some of the [...]

    1. https://www.casalmarefavignana.com/
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    4. https://www.bishopscorner.org/
    5. https://www.bishopsearchnj.org/
    6. https://www.vanuatubucketlist.com/
    7. https://www.altowassociation.org/
    8. https://www.missymclamb.com/
    9. https://www.pattersonvetrichmond.com/
    10. https://www.training-evolution.com/
    11. https://www.anamoralesflamenco.com/
    12. https://www.islandspirityoga.com/
    13. https://www.igeo2021.org/
    14. https://hotel-loupeyrol-dordogne.com/
    15. https://puravida-ibiza.com/
    16. https://csl-unbc.org/
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