Content Delivery Options

  • Flexibility
  • Customization
  • Convenience

Onsite Workshops

  • Content will be tailored for your group, addressing your key objectives.
  • When we visit your organization, we offer up to six hours of training daily. You may choose more than one workshop, and address multiple teams. Most workshops are built to be delivered in three hours. Timing will vary depending on your key objectives.

Content Purchase

Custom content, specifically designed for your organization, and unlimited usage makes this an ideal option if you have many to train. Classes will built with the module you choose. You will receive a Leader’s Guide the will include all you need to run consistent, universal training

Each class purchased will include a Train-the-Trainer Workshop designed to fully prepare your onsite facilitators. Courses are reviewed step-by-step. Activities, timing, PowerPoint usage and developing immediate feedback are addressed during this day.

Leader’s Guide Includes:

  • Leader’s Guide with full content and timing
  • Stories and activities with a guide for usage
  • PowerPoint presentation
  • Annotated workbook
  • Electronic copies of workbook for easy, unlimited reproduction

Virtual Learning Opportunities

When a team does not have time to meet for three hours or are completely virtual – virtual learning options are available. Training Evolution facilitators regularly address international teams. By dividing content in to one-hour increments, we run conference calls and Webinars, as you wish. Each event includes detailed handouts, best practices and skill builders to engage between sessions. This format is successful when building mentoring communities and offering the workshop choices shown on this site.

Keynote Addresses and Breakout Sessions

Pick a topic, review the modules with a Training Evolution staff member, and we will begin the process of assisting you with special events. What makes our keynotes “stick out” from the crowd is that they are delivered to address needs and build skills. Yes, they are motivational and truly engaging, but we go beyond enjoyment to deliver practical skills that ‘move the organizational needle’.


As our world is getting smaller all the time, more efficient avenues to deliver training are constantly needed. Podcasts are a good choice. They allow participants to listen where and when they desire. What drives change are the activities and best practices we focus on.

  • All podcasts are written and presented by Dondi Scumaci.
  • Each module is presented in a podcast 10 to 12 minutes in length.
  • Data is delivered in a series 3 podcasts.
  • Each professional podcast has music at the introduction and close.
  • Each topic will have an associated handout with best practices and activities.
  • Exercises are to be completed between the 3 podcasts in the series, enhancing new skills and designing practice opportunities.