• Accomplish with a group.
  • Increase motivation, morale and energy.
  • Connect every member of the team to a common purpose and vision.
  • Own critical communication skills that diffuse negative people and situations.
  • Develop the tools to categorize and understand the value of information.
  • Learn to communicate changing priorities. Make the move to find out what you need and then the process to communicate those needs.

Environment drives behavior. Diagnose your culture and work with a purpose. Learn to connect every employee with your big picture. Figure out the myths about motivation, and avoid common mistakes. The new year may yield difficult choices for organizations. As the factors that create negativity, drain morale, and erode productivity become apparent, be prepared to communicate changes while maintaining a positive business environment. By adding value to the employee relationship, loyalty and work processes improve.

Negativity in the workplace is an epidemic – it drains organizations of energy and possibility. Negativity impacts job satisfaction, attendance and productivity – it is the the silent expense. Break the cycle. Learn how negativity manifests itself in you and in your peers. Gain skills to diffuse negativity in yourself. Learn how specific reactions to negativity can make uncomfortable situations move to positive outcomes.

Suggested Audience:

  • Directors
  • Managers
  • Supervisors
  • Team Leads
  • High-potential Employees
  • Administrative Staff
  • Interns
  • Newly hired Employees