• Deliver performance conversations that equip team members for greater success.
  • Reduce resistance, increase reception and improve results through formal and informal performance communications.
  • Master the ‘Art of Delivering Feedback.’
  • Learn how to deliver difficult messages confidently and effectively.
  • Find the fast wins through incremental improvements to energize and encourage team members.
  • Provide the direction that allows team members to break through performance barriers.
  • Make the most of ‘drive-by coaching.’
  • Recognize and respond effectively to ‘teachable moments.

Presentation and discussion:

  • The true impact of performance management - the benefits of coaching and feedback
  • Coaching to reinforce and redirect
  • Making the most of hallway, drop-by coaching
  • Recognizing teachable moments in real time
  • Formal coaching attributes - when, where, who and why
  • Informal coaching attributes - when, where, who and why


  • How much time do you spend in the coaching role?

Driving Performance Management Concepts into Actions

  • What coaches (really) do
  • Build an authentic commitment for coaching through coaching-impact stories
  • Isolate the ‘how’ behind the ‘what’ of effective coaching

Develop a Mission Statement for Performance Communications:

Use four questions to develop a mission and guide performance conversations: What do you want this employee to:

  1. Understand
  2. Feel
  3. Believe
  4. Do

Ensure Real Traction

  • Presentation and discussion
  • Find the incremental pushes
  • Focus on high-impact actions and behaviors that produce results
  • Help employees see beyond their actions to the impact they will have

Measuring Success

Three ways to measure progress and success:

  • Quantifiable through data
  • Observable through behaviors
  • Verifiable through feedback

Facilitating the Performance Conversation

Strategies to lower resistance and achieve authentic engagement:

  • Choose behavioral versus judgmental language to increase receptivity.
  • Practice transforming judgement language into behavioral language.
  • ‘Master the Ask’ to encourage self-discovery and engagement.
  • Participants will use a scenario to practice asking versus telling to facilitate self-discovery and achieve authentic commitment.
  • Participants will apply these techniques to scenarios of their own with a planning tool.

Exploring Feedback

  • Out-of-your-chair activity demonstrating the impact of no feedback, negative feedback, positive feedback and specific feedback.
  • Feedback assessment: How is feedback flowing within your group

Mastering the Mechanics of Feedback

  • Construct messages that encourage change and reduce defensiveness
  • Make praise more meaningful, effective and ‘sticky’
  • Prioritizing Feedback: What is the one thing that could change everything?
  • Difficult messages

Tailoring Feedback: Four Communication Formats

  • Choosing the most effective format
  • Directive (“I need you to…”)
  • Demonstrative (“Here’s how I…”)
  • Participatory (“Let’s work through this…”)
  • Collaborative (“How can we…”)

Managing Up and to the Side

  • Offering feedback to your boss and your peers

Suggested Audience:

  • Directors
  • Managers
  • Supervisors
  • Team Leads