Career Moves

Managing one’s career today is as important as managing one’s finances, or managing one’s relationships. Individual strategic career planning helps take advantage of the opportunities at hand. During this workshop, participants will take a look at best practices and walk away with the start of their own plan.

Paths are personal things as unique and special as the people who travel them. How do you design a map of your own? You also need more than a map to make the journey rewarding and successful. How do you get real traction with your plan? What are the processes, tools and resources that make a plan real?

  • Develop a broader knowledge of your organization.
  • Learn the benefits of lateral moves and when they make sense.
  • Get the most use of Career Roadmaps
  • Learn the best career practices of highly successful employees.

Key Objectives:

  • Obtain new skills that allow you to make proactive decisions about your career.
  • Receive a resource list to assist with career planning.
  • Overcome dead-ends, flat tires and a stalled engine on your own Career Roadmap.
  • Create a resiliency that is valuable within your current position and beyond.
  • Find your passion and get ahead.

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